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High Quality

Production Systems for

Optical, Technical and Crystal

Melting and Feeding Technologies

Stream-Feeding (“drain”) System and Flow Control

The platinum feeding system has started out as a drain system targeting a very directcontrol of the glass temperature from the glass bath to the tip. It has successfully evolved into a segmented and highly specialized feeding system which provides optimum conditions for a controlled glass flow from the bottom of a forehearth to allow a stable furnace pull control as an additional glass consumer providing glass nuggets for in process cullet recycling strategies or to allow to remove circonia-enriched glass which accumulates on the bottom of the forehearth before the glass enters into the feeder; most importantly it is a very versatile system for feeding speciality glass for micro particles like beads, flakes, nuggets etc.

Directly heated platinum feeding system with flow control

Directly heated platinum feeding system with flow control

  • segmented system combing direct platinum heating with infrared heating as well as inductive heating technologies
  • bottom “drain” technology to allow a defined glass flow from the lowest point of a furnace or forehearth –trapping and draining glass which is enriched with corrosion relics
  • “drain” technology to supply fibre bushings with a directly heated interface system to control the glass flow with an active temperature control which is independent of the temperature conditions in the forehearth
  • feeding “drain” system which taps glass from a core glass flow to reduce any boundary conditions for high-quality speciality glass feeding
Stream-feeding system in action
Combined with
  • flow measuring system (diameter and temperature) and flow temperature control loop
  • shear or roller system for dry cullet provision (in-process cullet recycling and pull rate stabilization)
  • cutting wheel for micro-bead forming
  • flaker for micro-particles
  • and most prominently with the pre-melting system for liquid-in-liquid colouring systems
  • … and certainly the MMC control
Specification Key Words
  • full electric feeding system with on/off capability
  • pull rate adjustment based on temperature as well as nozzle diameter adapationto extend the range of min/max. pull rate capability

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Füller Glastechnologie

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D-94518 Spiegelau

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